Houston chapter kicks off 2016 by giving back!

IMG_0385While the luxurious scent of champagne still floated in the air from New Year celebrations, Sasse Old Boys’ Association (SOBA) Houston members kicked off January 2016 with an amazing community service run.  SOBA Houston members, or SOBANS as they are fondly known, are ex-students of St. Joseph’s College, Sasse, a prestigious 75 year old boarding school nestled at the foot of Mount Cameroon in West Africa.
This run began on Saturday, January 9th, 2016 when SOBA Houston members volunteered at the Houston Food Bank, where they put together back-pack lunches for children whose only meals are the ones that are served at school. The backpack lunches that SOBA Houston members packed will enable these children to eat a full and balanced meal even when they finish school for the day and go back home to their families.

On January 16th, SOBA Houston members volunteered at the Star of Hope, where they helped to cook food, serve lunch, and clean up the kitchen at their transitional living facility.  This facility houses families that have no place to call home, until they can get back on their feet.  SOBANS even helped to prepare some of the food, which included chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy.  After volunteering, members toured the Star of Hope facilities to see how these families live, and they were able to see some of the children playing on the playground.  It was very moving when one of these children waved to SOBANS as they walked through.

Finally,  SOBANS volunteered at Habitat for Humanity-Restore on January 23rd to help arrange, clean and serve customers at their home improvement store.  This Habitat for Humanity store uses donations and product purchases to raise money for Habitat for Humanity’s home construction projects for low income families throughout the United States.

In giving back to the Houston community, SOBA Houston was able to be a good neighbor and citizen.  SOBANS were also able to raise awareness for our National Convention and fundraising Gala taking place this Memorial Day weekend at 8pm on May 28, 2016 at the Hilton Westchase in Houston, TX.  Fundraising proceeds will be used to create an endowment fund to enable underprivileged youth to benefit from the kind of top notch education that we were blessed to have.
