

The Western region is one of the largest chapters as it encompasses many states like Arizona, California, Utah, New Mexico, Nevada, and Washington.Sobans residing in Arizona were under the Western region with initially five members. After hosting...


History The Early Stages: As the number of SOBANS in the Carolinas blossomed, it became increasingly evident that a SOBA America chapter was needed. Some members had maintained their affiliations in other SOBAN chapters where they lived prior to moving...


History SOBA Dallas was founded in early 1995 as one of the first five chapters of SOBA America. Its pioneer president was Soban Cornelius Ndemba. After hosting the National Convention of May 1998, SOBA Dallas gradually lost momentum and eventually...

DC Metro

Information coming soon


Soba Georgia – The Mother of Soba-America (Sasse Alumni in the USA)Although graduates from St. Joseph’s College Sasse have been traveling the world since 1939, it was not until the year 1990 A.D. that a group of Sobans residing in the USA decided to ...


SOBA Houston is one of the cornerstone chapters of SOBA America with two of the founding fathers as its members: Dr. Nicholas Enow, and Mr. Dan Mofor. We are also proud to be hosting our SOBAN brothers during the 2016 SOBA National Convention. History...

MAL (Members at Large)

SOBA MAL is primarily a chapter for those who are located in areas that do not have already have a SOBA Chapter. The primary goal of SOBAMAL is to provide a platform for fellowships and fraternizing for all SOBANs in the North America who are unable to...


STILL STANDING AND GROWING STRONGERNot so long ago, most Cameroonians like other Africans who came to the US had a transient mentality. Most of them were students. They came here with the sole purpose of getting their education and returning hom...


A BRIEF HISTORY ON THE CREATION OF SOBA CANADA:Permit us to quote the first elected President of Soba Canada, Rev. Daniel Mulema, class of 1971.“In 1990, when we first received invitation to participate at a SOBA USA convention in Atlanta, w...

New England

SOBA New England is one of the pioneer chapters that played a vital role in the formation of SOBA USA which is today known as SOBA AMERICA. Our goal is to bring our brothers together to raise the flag of our Alma Mata, as well as to advance the frontier...


History By attending Saint Joseph’s College Sasse, we, Sobans in Oklahoma State, like the Negro referenced in Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream” speech signed a promissory note to which we were to be heirs and collective decided to cash in on t...


More information coming soon


Founded in 2011, Soba Tristate is one of the most unique chapters in the Soba America family in the United comprises of sobans in the US, as well as part of Canada. Its membership circle includes Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, New York and...

Western Region

More information coming soon