SOBA America joins the fight against breast cancer

SOBA America took a significant step in the fight against breast cancer by organizing a breast cancer walk during the 34th annual general convention in Mesa, Arizona. This groundbreaking event, held on Saturday, May 25th, marked the first of its kind organized by SOBA America and saw enthusiastic participation from SOBANS, their SOBANESE, and guests.

Early Saturday morning, participants gathered in front of the convention hotel at 6 a.m., all dressed in specially made black t-shirts provided by SOBA America. The event kicked off with a brief educational session led by SOBA America President, Dr. Bertrand Fote, an emergency physician. Dr. Fote spoke about the prevalence of breast cancer and emphasized the importance of monthly breast exams for early detection. He highlighted the troubling trend of younger patients being diagnosed and underscored the need for close follow-up if any abnormalities are detected during self-exams.

In a poignant segment of the event, several SOBANESE who are breast cancer survivors shared their personal journeys, offering powerful and emotional testimonies about their battles with the disease.

The walk itself commenced with participants walking and jogging to the rhythm of upbeat music. The one-hour event was filled with energy and solidarity, sending a powerful message of hope and determination.

Following the walk, a debriefing session allowed participants to share their motivations for joining the event. Many walked in honor of family members and friends who have battled breast cancer, while others participated for their own health or to support the cause.

President Fote expressed his hope that this event would mark the beginning of a significant contribution by SOBA America in the fight against breast cancer. He noted the organization’s intention to seek funding and partner with other initiatives to raise awareness in the community and provide a robust support system for those affected by the disease.


SOBA America’s commitment to this cause reflects our broader mission of community engagement and support. We look forward to making a lasting impact in the fight against breast cancer and continuing to support our members and their families in meaningful ways.